Display your absence
data in any calendar
of choice

Employee attendance calendar in actiPLANS Employee attendance calendar in actiPLANS
Export employees absences in any attendance calendar

Track employee vacations without even opening your actiPLANS account

  • Integrate users’ time off data into your favorite online calendar.
  • Keep tabs on employee absences right from your favorite web-based tools.
  • Configure iCal in line with your needs and export only that leave information which makes sense to you.

Here’s how to make
it work:

How to export attendance records from actiPLANS into any calendar How to export attendance records from actiPLANS into any calendar
Create an iCal feed or file.
Choose whose time off data you’d like to export.
Select the leave types you want to export.
Share the created iCal feed with your team.
Upload it to the calendar.
Enjoy effortless absence tracking across the apps.

Benefit from streamlined absence