Keep employee
locations in check

Trusted by 10,000+ companies across the globe
Schedule employee locations and job sites in actiPLANS Schedule employee locations and job sites in actiPLANS
Manage hybrid team in actiPLANS

Manage Workforce Across Multiple Locations

  • Allot work statuses and locations to employees on a simple visual timeline.
  • Let employees plan out work statuses and locations on their own.
  • Review the created location schedule to never lose sight of where your colleagues are.
  • View how many work hours they spend in different locations.

Control and Schedule
Employee Locations

Create custom locations or job sites in actiPLANS
Schedule employees locations or allow them to indicate their status in their own
Understand your team's trends with actiPLANS reports
Add custom locations
Create locations that match your unique organizational needs.
Create custom locations or job sites in actiPLANS
Assign locations to employees
Plan out work locations for any period and any employee, or let your teammates do it themselves.
Schedule employees locations or allow them to indicate their status in their own
Visualize historical data
View information about your employees’ whereabouts by department, period, etc.
Understand your team's trends with actiPLANS reports
Track attendance and observe the time spent at various locations
My Locations
Use the visual timeline to plan where and when you will work.
Locations of My Colleagues
See where your colleagues plan to work and prevent clashes.
Flexible Schedules
Indicate where, when, or how your employees are supposed to do their jobs.
Color Coding
Assign different colors to different locations for better visualization.
Get notified about the changes in your staff location via email.
See how much time you and your teammates spend in a location of choice.

Plan and keep a record of staff
locations with ease