How to Create a Great PTO Policy

Improve employee attendance

Employees are not machines; they need time to rest and attend to personal matters. One of the most effective ways to support their well-being is a robust Paid Time Off (PTO) policy.

But what exactly is a PTO policy, and how can you create and implement one? Let’s dive into the details.

What Is a PTO Policy?

A Paid Time Off (PTO) policy represents a company’s formal approach to providing employees with paid leave for various reasons.

These can include vacation days, personal days, sick leave, and even time off for family emergencies or bereavement.

Unlike traditional vacation and sick leave policies that separate these categories, a PTO policy typically combines them into a single pool of days that employees can use at their discretion.

Why Does Your Company Need a Paid Time Off Policy?

A well-defined PTO policy enhances employee satisfaction and contributes to overall organizational success.

  1. Employee well-being. Regular breaks from work reduce burnout, stress, and fatigue, leading to happier and healthier employees.
  2. Enhanced productivity. A good PTO policy encourages employees to take necessary breaks, resulting in higher quality work and improved efficiency.
  3. Talent attraction and retention. Candidates often prioritize benefits like PTO when considering job offers. Furthermore, employees who feel valued and supported in their personal lives are less likely to seek employment elsewhere.
  4. Fostering a positive company culture. A thoughtful PTO policy reflects a company’s commitment to employees’ work-life balance. Such an environment can lead to higher morale and more robust team cohesion.
  5. Absenteeism reduction. When employees know they have paid time off available for personal matters or illness, they are less likely to resort to unscheduled absences.
  6. Healthy work-life balance. A well-defined PTO policy allows your staff to recharge and spend quality time with family and friends without feeling guilty about work obligations.

Creating a PTO Policy in 5 Steps

Your PTO policy is a legal document and should be very detailed in its description of the guidelines it establishes. Language should be clear and precise, with no room for vagueness or ambiguity.
As far as the actual contents of your policy go, make sure it covers the following key sections:

1. Employee work hours

Specify the exact number of business hours employees are obligated to complete each week. Outline any clock-in/clock-out procedures used to track employee attendance.

2. Available paid time off types

  • List all specific paid time off types available to employees, including:
  • Vacation days,
  • Personal days,
  • National holidays,
  • Bereavement leave,
  • Jury duty leave,
  • Explain the eligibility criteria and applicable laws governing each type.

3. PTO accrual method

Describe the method used to accumulate PTO, either through:

  • Accruals (employees earn PTO hours based on time worked),
  • Flat rates (employees receive a predetermined amount of PTO annually).

4. Leave request procedure

Establish the procedure for employees to request PTO, including:

  • Required notice period,
  • Acceptable methods of submission (e.g., written forms, email, software applications).

5. Consequences for violations

Outline the repercussions for employees who violate the PTO policy, such as:

  • Written warnings,
  • Suspension,
  • Termination of employment,
  • The severity of consequences should align with your management style.

Your PTO policy is a legal document and as such should be very detailed in its description of the guidelines it establishes. Language should be clear, precise, with no room for vagueness or ambiguity. As far as actual contents of your policy go, make sure it covers the following key sections:

Outstanding pto checklist

Employers have a surprising amount of freedom when it comes to creating a PTO policy. But still they are legally obliged to treat employees fairly as far as leave practices go. Be sure to study relevant federal laws:

As well as research your city and state laws regarding workers’ compensation. If you have remote employees or have offices in multiple states, keep in mind that you’ll need to comply with the laws of your employees’ location, rather than where your head office is based.

It would also be a good idea to have a qualified attorney review your policy to make sure it doesn’t contain any problematic language or rules that could be easily misconstrued.

Once you have the aforementioned parts locked down, your basic PTO policy is pretty much done and ready to go. With that said, if you’d like to go all the way and make it as comprehensive and detailed as possible, consider adding the following:

  • Tiered PTO accrual. Reward long-serving employees and incentivize junior staff by offering increased PTO based on years of service or job grade.
  • Negative PTO balance. Determine whether employees can go into PTO debt. If allowed, establish options for repayment through overtime or unpaid leave.
  • New employee waiting period. Specify any probationary period that must be completed before new hires are eligible for paid leave.
  • Accrual or use-it-or-lose-it policies. Establish whether unused PTO can be carried over or forfeited after a designated period (e.g., calendar year).

Unconventional PTO Policy Elements

Creative PTO policies offer unique benefits that attract and retain top talent.

Here are a few examples:

Airbnb: Quarterly stipends for employees to travel and stay in Airbnb properties, immersing them in their core business.

REI (outdoor gear company): “Yay Days” where employees receive paid time off to engage in outdoor activities using REI equipment, promoting their active lifestyle brand.

Among other interesting vacation trends are paid leaves for volunteer causes. This way employees can use their working hours to give back and make a difference in the community while promoting a great company image.

There are plenty of other interesting instances of out-of-the-box PTO policies. You can also check out the cool perks below – they can help you make your policy a reflection of your company culture too!

Travel stipend

A travel stipend is a sum of money given to an employee in order to help cover the cost of travel expenses. Travel stipends usually vary in size depending on the purpose of the trip. For example, a travel stipend for a business trip may be higher than one for a personal vacation. Whatever the case, a travel stipend produces some immense advantages for businesses and employees alike:

It can help attract and retain talent. If your company offers a competitive travel stipend, it may be more appealing to job seekers.
A travel stipend can also be a way to boost morale and keep employees happy. If they know they have the opportunity to travel for work, they may be more engaged and motivated in their jobs.

Yay days

Yay days are special days when we get to do things that we love. We get to play games, eat our favorite foods, and spend time with our friends and family. It’s a day to be happy and enjoy ourselves!

Just like other cool time off perks, yay days are a great way for employers to show their appreciation for their employees. Besides, they can be used as a great opportunity for networking and building relationships with co-workers. And let’s not forget, they’re a great way to increase morale and motivation in the workplace.


Volunteering days for employees are becoming increasingly popular as a way for businesses to give back to the community. Not only do these days provide much-needed assistance to local charities and non-profit organizations, but they also offer a number of benefits to businesses themselves.

Volunteering can be used as a team-building exercise. By working together on a community project, employees can get to know each other better and build stronger relationships. This can lead to improved communication and collaboration back at the office.
Volunteering can help businesses boost their public image. When employees are seen giving back to the community, it reflects positively on the business as a whole. This can attract new customers and clients, as well as talented employees who are looking to work for a company with a strong social conscience.
Volunteering can simply make employees feel good. Giving back to the community can boost morale and improve job satisfaction. When employees feel like they are making a difference, they are more likely to be engaged and productive at work.

All of these benefits make volunteering days a win-win for businesses and the community. So if your business is looking for a way to give back, consider organizing a volunteering day for your employees. It will be good for them – and good for you.

PTO policy Sample

Creating a PTO policy can be daunting, especially if you’re not sure where to start. But don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. We made a sample PTO policy that you can use as a starting point for crafting your own.

Click here to check it out and download it for free!

Modernizing Absence Management for Streamlined Operations

To effectively manage employee absences, consider implementing a modern absence management solution. This choice can streamline your processes, reducing paperwork and improving efficiency.

Common practices of PTO

Benefits of Third-Party Solutions

  • Reduced paperwork: Automated processing eliminates the need for manual handling.
  • Improved structure: Clear and consistent processes ensure transparency.
  • Accurate data: Real-time tracking provides reliable information for decision-making.
  • Automated PTO accruals: Streamlined calculations eliminate errors and save time.

Choosing the Right Solution

Before selecting a solution, consider the following:

  1. Integrated or dedicated: Evaluate existing HR systems or time tracking tools that offer absence management capabilities to avoid unnecessary costs.
  2. Cloud-Based or On-Premise: Determine if accessibility is paramount, as cloud-based solutions enable remote access.
  3. Flexibility: Choose software that supports multiple leave types, balances, and customized accruals for individual users or groups.
  4. Reporting capabilities: Ensure the solution provides essential reporting features to monitor employee PTO usage and plan effectively.
  5. Ease of use: Prioritize software that is intuitive and user-friendly for convenient request submissions and leave tracking.

Your choice could mean the difference between a paperwork-ridden slog and a simple stress-free procedure. And since this guide is aimed at making your life easier, we’ll just assume that you’re going with the latter approach.

Tools like actiPLANS help streamline the leave management process, ensuring a seamless experience for both employees and HR teams by offering features like:

  • Leave request management
  • Automated paid time off accrual
  • Work scheduling
  • Reports on leave time
  • Mobile attendance tracker
  • and more…

Leave Time Balance report sample

Our software makes managing employee time off quick and easy, so you can focus on what’s really important – running your business.

What are you waiting for? Get started today!


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